Caregivers can now immigrate to Canada from any where in the world through the new Home Child Care Provider Immigration Pilot and The Home Support Worker Immigration Pilot. The process requires no LMIA, Low ielts score, no settlement funds!!, and you come immediately with your family.
How Does it Work?
Caregivers are given open work permits to come to Canada with their spouse and children. After 2 years of working in the caregiving industry the caregiver is converted from a work permit to a permanent residence. After 2 years of holding permanent residence, the caregiver is eligible for Canadian citizenship.

Scenario 1: No Qualifying Work Exoerience: You don't have caregiver work experience in Canada. If you are found eligible, you get an open work permit that enables you work for any employer in Canada in the Caregiving industry for 2 years. When you have achieved 2 years of work experience, you notify the government, to upgrade you from a work permit to a permanent resident.
Scenario 2: Not Enough Qualifying Work Experience. You have caregiving work experience in Canada but not up to 2years work experience. You are given work permit that enables you to complete the 2years required before you notify the government to convert your work permit to permanent residence.
What is the Caregiver immigration pathway?
The Canada caregiver immigration pathway is officially known as the Home Child Care Provider Immigration Pilot or the Home Support Worker Immigration Pilot. It is a 5 year (starting July 2019) Immigration pathway designed by the government of Canada to help caregivers move to Canada with their families.
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Responsibilities could typically be bathing, dressing, feeding, light housekeeping, assisting with home work, taking and bringing back from school, assisting with home work etc
Typical duties of home support workers could include bathing, oral care, dressing, meal preparation and serving, light housekeeping, companionship, taking to and fro doctor's appointment, grocery shopping etc
The Canadian NOC (National occupation classification) for Home Support Workers is 4412, skill type C
This immigration pilot has a quota of 2,750 principal applicants for the Home Child Care Provider immigration pilot and 2,750 principal applicants for the Home Support Worker Immigration pilot. Making the total quota per year 5,500 principal applicants per year. If the quota is reached any year, IRCC will return your application, you wait till the next year.
What qualifies you to be considered eligible for this immigration pathway to Canada?
1. You have taken or plan to take IELTs and score a minimum of CLB 5
2. You have a minimum of 1year post secondary school education. Which must be assessed to be so by an Educational Credential Assessment organisation eg WES
3. A job offer in Canada.
1. You have taken or plan to take IELTs and score a minimum of CLB 5
2. You have a minimum of 1year post secondary school education. Which must be assessed to be so by an Educational Credential Assessment organisation eg WES
3. A job offer in Canada.
A. You can find caregiver jobs: Caregiver jobs on indeed, Child Care Provider jobs on jobbankHome Support Worker jobs on jobbank
B. You can use family and friends resident in Canada to help you find jobs.
Read more on how to get a job offer in Canada here.
4. Proof that you can do the job. You can
prove this by:
A. showing related caregiving educational training. CLICK HERE FOR LIST OF CAREGIVING COURSES
B. Reference letter from employers from volunteer or paid work in daycares, care agencies, hospitals etc. See sample reference letter for a home support worker
5. You are not planning to live in the province of Quebec
6. You are not inadmissable to Canada (for legal or financial reasons)
B. You can use family and friends resident in Canada to help you find jobs.
Read more on how to get a job offer in Canada here.
4. Proof that you can do the job. You can
prove this by:
A. showing related caregiving educational training. CLICK HERE FOR LIST OF CAREGIVING COURSES
B. Reference letter from employers from volunteer or paid work in daycares, care agencies, hospitals etc. See sample reference letter for a home support worker
5. You are not planning to live in the province of Quebec
6. You are not inadmissable to Canada (for legal or financial reasons)
Cost for this process?
The total direct cost is dependent on how many family members are coming with you. All cost are in Canadian dollars (please check your country's current exchange rate to get the accurate local value of these fees).
Work permit cost: $155/adult
Open work permit cost: $100/per adult
Permanent residence cost: $550/per adult
Right of permanent residence cost:$490/adult
Kids permanent residence cost: $150/child
Study permit: $150/person
Biometrics cost: $85/person or $170/family
To calculate visa costs for a family of 4 (dad, mum and 2 kids under 17years):
Cost For Dad: $155 (work permit cost) $100( open work permit holder cost)
$550 (residence permit cost)
$490 (right of permanent residence cost)
Sub total: $1,295

$550 (residence permit cost)
$490 (right of permanent residence cost)
Sub total: $1,295
For 2 kids: $150/person (study permit cost) x 2 = $300
$150/person (permanent residence fees) x 2 = $300
Sub total: $600
Biometrics fees for family (members of family up to 18years): $170
Subtotal: $170
Total: $3,360
N.B you can decide to pay just the permanent residence cost of $550/adult without the right of permanent residence cost of $490/adult but IRCC strongly recommends that you pay all now to avoid future delays.
Indirect costs associated:
Ielts fees
ECA (WES fees)
Police certificate cost
Medicals costs
How to Start this process?
1. Take a training course on caregiving
Find some caregiving courses here
2. Get First aid certified with the Nigerian Red Cross
3. Send your educational credential of at least 1year post secondary to for ECA assessment
4. Write the ielts exam
How to apply/fill out the application forms
The forms for this immigration pilot need to be downloaded from this site:
Application forms (outside Canada)
You need to have adobe 12 or higher installed on your laptop to be able to open the forms.
Please read the instruction guide:
carefully before filling the forms
Go here if you are applying from outside Canada👇
Applying from outside Canada
Go here if you are applying from inside Canada👇
Applying inside Canada
Your spouse will need to fill a work permit form (if your spouse wants to work) or study permit (if your spouse wants to study)
Applying from outside Canada
Go here if you are applying from inside Canada👇
Applying inside Canada
Your spouse will need to fill a work permit form (if your spouse wants to work) or study permit (if your spouse wants to study)
Your children under 17years need to fill study permit. Older children under 23 need to fill study or work permit.
Fill out the application forms on a computer, validate them (there is a validate button on the top right hand corner of some of the forms). You must validate the forms that have the "validate button" to generate the bar codes, then print and sign your forms. Failure to validate properly or to sign your forms could lead to your application being returned to you.
Pay your visa fees online.
To pay for permanent residence use this link:
Pay Permanent Residence fees
To pay for your work permits,study permits and biometrics fees, use this link:
Pay Temporary residence visa fees
Dont forget to print a reciept for each payment you make. The reciept must be included in your application package and sent together with the rest of your documents to Canada.
Send your forms to the appropriate case processing center in Edmonton, Alberta Canada
What happens after you apply?
Its is advised you send your visa forms to Canada by courier such as dhl, fedex etc so that you can track the location of your forms.
2. IRCC will notify you of receipt (acknowlegement of receipt AOR) of your forms after approx 6weeks. If you have any supporting documents missing or incorrectly filled forms or quota for your category reached, IRCC will return your forms to you. IRCC will put a notification on the pilot website when the quota is reached each year.
3. In your AOR, your case processing number will be given, use this to tie your submitted paper application to your online IRCC account.
4. Additional documents may be requested of you or your employer. Check your email and online accounts regularly so that you dont miss it
5. You will be sent a BIL (biometric instruction letter) and medicals request. Use any of the providing institutions on the letter to get your biometrics and medicals done.
6. If you are approved for a work permit, you will be notified through your account or email.
7. Prepare to move to Canada!!!!