Although many people will tell you that you can't get a job in Canada without the help of family and friends, it is very possible to get a job in Canada without any contacts there. I should know because i got a caregiver job without refferal to my employer by family or friends.
How you can get a Caregiver job in Canada?
A. Take a course.
Usually in Canada caregivers undergo college training as personal support workers (PSW), Continuing Care Aides(CCA) etc these training take anywhere between 6months to 9months to complete and can cost at least $3,000CAD. However because of the urgency or high demand for caregivers, some caregiving companies can hire workers without the PSW or CCA certification and give them in house training. This is the equivalent of CPD courses.
A prospective employer will like to see that you have already taken some of these courses, this shows that you have some level of competence and interest in the caregiving industry and that you know and fully well appreciate what you are getting into.
So to start this process, despite what discipline you are coming from, take a short course related to the job eg child care course, food handler's course, food safety, elder care course, parkinson's disease course, dementia care course, alzheimer's course etc 2 or 3 of these courses is a good combination to start with eg for a home child care provider, you can take a child care course, food handler's course and a special need's teacher course.
Many of the courses John Academy are developed by industry experts. You can never go wrong with them.
Many of the courses John Academy are developed by industry experts. You can never go wrong with them.
Some child caregiving courses on John Academy
:1. Children Health Care Assistant
2. Food Handling Course
3. Level 3 Diploma in Child Care
4. Teaching Assistant Complete Course: SEN, ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia)
5. Paediatric First Aid Course
Adult caregiving courses on John Academy:
1. Diploma in Elderly Care
2. Health and Social Care Course

4. Adult Nursing and Social Care Course
B. Getting first aid certified.
This is one of the standard requirements you need to have before most employers will consider hiring you. The red cross first aid/cpr course is very well recognised and accepted by employers.
C. Getting relevant work experience, whether paid or unpaid.
If this is your first time in the caregiving industry, chances are that you have never been a caregiver before. You can still make this immigration pilot. All you need to do is volunteer your services in a daycare (if you want to work in child care), a hospital (if you want to work as a home support worker for physically or mentally disabled people), nursing homes etc The reasons for doing this are:

2. You get to learn how to interact with clients and co workers. Believe me, some clients and co workers are not easy to work with.
3. It gives you a much needed previous work experience that you will include in your home support or home child care provider immigration forms.
In my case, i volunteered my services in a hospital in my city, where i assisted the nurses in client management duties such as taking vital signs, emptying urine bags, assisting in ambulation, personal and oral hygiene, serving meal tray etc. I did this for close to 6 months, at the end of which the Chief Medical Director of the hospital wrote a Reference/Recommendation letter to the Case processing officer of the immigration pilot and confirmed my volunteer activities and ability to carry out my duties at my new job in Canada.
< D. Work on your Resume
Your resume is a brief summary of who you are: academic qualifications, professional work experience and sometimes career goals.
It is your first opportunity to score a point and make a positive first impression with an employer. Your resume needs to project your competencies and abilities in a strong way. It is usually advised that new immigrants update their resume in a Canadian style.
Learn how to creat a canada style resume here: Canadian style resume
E. Search and Start Applying for Jobs
The most popular way of getting a caregiver job is by the power of Networking: use of family and friends who reside in Canada. Chances are that they may have friends or associates who are looking for caregivers. You can utilise their help in getting hired.
If you don't have family and friends in Canada, dont loose hope, you can still get a job.
You will find thousands of job openings there, apply to the ones that interest you.

Another very effective way of finding employers is by searching directory of home support worker agencies or care home province by province, most of them will have their contact details including email addresses in these directories. You can send them unsolicited emails. I sent unsolicited emails to tens of home support agencies and special care homes.
F. Writing your Coverletter for a job application.
Don't forget to write a good coverletter and include it with your resume while applying.
This is a very crucial part of your application. You need to write a compelling coverletter that will make a prospective employer give a second thoughts to hiring someone from outside the country even if they didnt want to consider that option previously. 3 things that i discovered about Canadian employers in the caregiving industry:
1. Most of them are seriously short staffed.
2. Most of them need you to have some form of training in caregiving
3. Most of them do not know much about the latest happenings in immigrations that can enable them hire workers from outside the country.
You should be able to show them through your coverletter that you are very passionate about this work. You can also tell them that you will be qualified to be granted entry into the country as a worker to work for them if they give you a job offer, they will most likely want to give you a trial.
In my case, i let my employer that the home support worker immigration pathway required 3 things: 1 year post secondary education (i had a 4years degree), a CLB 5 IELTs result (i had a band 9) and the 3rd thing i needed to qualify was a job offer. I also listed all the caregiving courses i had done as well as my health care aid volunteer work in the hospital. I also included my other soft skills such as cooking skills, empathy, organisation skills etc
I have been recieving a lot of questions about how to structure a coverletter. I have done so below for your guidance.
The first paragraph should introduce you, your academic qualifications and end with your intention or reason for writing to this person (in this case.."i am interested in your home support or home child care provider job opening")
Paragraph 2
You list the relevant caregiving courses that you have taken eg some of the relevant caregiving courses that i have taken are:
1. Food Handler's course from John Academy, UK
2. Diploma in child care from john academy, UK
3. First Aid/CPR training from the Nigerian red cross, lagos Nigeria.
Paragrah 3
You can talk a little about some personal qualities that makes you think you are a good fit for the job eg i am very comfortable working with elders because i was raised by my grandmother. I consider myself a very good cook. I am patient, a good listener/companion and also very discreet.
Paragraph 4.
Talk about how you intend to move to canada if they hire u. Eg...i currently qualify to move to canada as a caregiver under the new home support worker immigration pilot. The pilot requires:
1. Ielts clb 5, i have clb 8
2. 1 year post secondary education, i have 4years
3. A job offer..
Once hired by you, i will be able to quickly apply for my work is a straight forward process and doesnt require financial commitment from the employer.
Paragraph 5
Close your look forward to discussing more about this opportunity with you.feel free to contact me with further questions.
Turn your CV to a picture CV ie add a nice sunny/smiling/picture of you on the top part of your cv.
I will suggest that you try as much as possible to personalise your letter..try to make a connection with the advertiser.
Eg use Dear Mrs Rivers.....
I saw your advert for a child care provider on and i was attracted to the ad because i can feel the love in your family and that is the type of work environment that i am looking for, i like to think myself as part of the family i work for. I am interested in your child care job opening and will like to be considered for it.
Paragraph 2
You list the relevant qualifications and caregiving courses that you have taken eg
I have a Bsc in Pharmacy and i have also taken some caregiving
1. Food Handler's course from John Academy, UK
2. Diploma in child care from john academy, UK
3. First Aid/CPR training from the Nigerian red cross, lagos Nigeria.
Paragrah 3
You can talk a little about some personal qualities / experience that makes you think you are a good fit for the job eg
I have 18months daycare work experience. The parents at the daycare absolutely trust me to make sure their children are always well fed and have their diapers changed. I also take safety very seriously and ensure that children play in an environment that is devoid of harmful materials.
I have experience with engaging children with educational games and puzzles, assisting them with home work, taking them out to play in the park (to burn off energy) etc
Paragraph 4.
Talk about how you intend to move to canada if they hire u. Eg...i currently qualify to move to canada as a caregiver under the new home support worker immigration pilot. The pilot requires:
1. Ielts clb 5, i have clb 8
2. 1 year post secondary education, i have 4years
3. A job offer..
Once hired by you, i will be able to quickly apply for my work is a straight forward process and doesnt require financial commitment from the employer.
Paragraph 5
Close your look forward to discussing more about this opportunity with you.feel free to contact me with further questions.
Please a lot of people will have access to this sample...make sure you change and edit to suit your personal circumstances.
F. Prepare for an Interview
As you submit applications, you will recieve replies from some of the applications you submit.
Some of them will want to speak with you by email, phone or by video conference through skype. I had 2 interviews on skype.
I will suggest that you try as much as possible to personalise your letter..try to make a connection with the advertiser.
Eg use Dear Mrs Rivers.....
I saw your advert for a child care provider on and i was attracted to the ad because i can feel the love in your family and that is the type of work environment that i am looking for, i like to think myself as part of the family i work for. I am interested in your child care job opening and will like to be considered for it.
Paragraph 2
You list the relevant qualifications and caregiving courses that you have taken eg
I have a Bsc in Pharmacy and i have also taken some caregiving
1. Food Handler's course from John Academy, UK
2. Diploma in child care from john academy, UK
3. First Aid/CPR training from the Nigerian red cross, lagos Nigeria.
Paragrah 3
You can talk a little about some personal qualities / experience that makes you think you are a good fit for the job eg
I have 18months daycare work experience. The parents at the daycare absolutely trust me to make sure their children are always well fed and have their diapers changed. I also take safety very seriously and ensure that children play in an environment that is devoid of harmful materials.
I have experience with engaging children with educational games and puzzles, assisting them with home work, taking them out to play in the park (to burn off energy) etc
Paragraph 4.
Talk about how you intend to move to canada if they hire u. Eg...i currently qualify to move to canada as a caregiver under the new home support worker immigration pilot. The pilot requires:
1. Ielts clb 5, i have clb 8
2. 1 year post secondary education, i have 4years
3. A job offer..
Once hired by you, i will be able to quickly apply for my work is a straight forward process and doesnt require financial commitment from the employer.
Paragraph 5
Close your look forward to discussing more about this opportunity with you.feel free to contact me with further questions.
Please a lot of people will have access to this sample...make sure you change and edit to suit your personal circumstances.
F. Prepare for an Interview
As you submit applications, you will recieve replies from some of the applications you submit.
Some of them will want to speak with you by email, phone or by video conference through skype. I had 2 interviews on skype.
They will be wanting to access you on several points: why you are interested in this job, your level of spoken english etc
You need to prepare well for the interview.
If you will be interviewing by skype make sure you are in a location with strong internet reception and with little noise as possible and dress properly.
Some interview questions that i was asked:
1.what do you hate most about your job? I answered commiserating with family members of deceased patients
2. On a scale of 1 to 10 rate your patience level; i answered 7 because nobody is perfect
3. What do you think elders have to contribute to society; i answered if they didnt give birth to us we wouldnt be here, many of them are religious so, many of us have been brought up in whatever religion that our parents practised.
4. What would you say are 5 things that caregivers can do to help residents feel that this is their home?
5.Are you willing to take medication administration training and administer medications?
6.Are you willing to learn to use a sling lift?
7. You are working with your coworker, and you each have assigned tasks for the shift. You notice that your coworker is not completing the tasks and isn’t spending much time with residents. What would you do?
8. A resident explains that other residents and caregivers do not like her, and gives examples of their behavior such as not accepting apologies, not accepting no as an answer to requests for money or cigarettes, and taking up to much personal space. The resident seems anxious or upset. What would you do?
9. How would you know you were successful on the job?
You need to prepare well for the interview.
If you will be interviewing by skype make sure you are in a location with strong internet reception and with little noise as possible and dress properly.
Some interview questions that i was asked:
1.what do you hate most about your job? I answered commiserating with family members of deceased patients
2. On a scale of 1 to 10 rate your patience level; i answered 7 because nobody is perfect
3. What do you think elders have to contribute to society; i answered if they didnt give birth to us we wouldnt be here, many of them are religious so, many of us have been brought up in whatever religion that our parents practised.
4. What would you say are 5 things that caregivers can do to help residents feel that this is their home?
5.Are you willing to take medication administration training and administer medications?
6.Are you willing to learn to use a sling lift?
7. You are working with your coworker, and you each have assigned tasks for the shift. You notice that your coworker is not completing the tasks and isn’t spending much time with residents. What would you do?
8. A resident explains that other residents and caregivers do not like her, and gives examples of their behavior such as not accepting apologies, not accepting no as an answer to requests for money or cigarettes, and taking up to much personal space. The resident seems anxious or upset. What would you do?
9. How would you know you were successful on the job?