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How to apply to the HSWP & HCCP step by step

The whole process can look very intimidating, many people dont know where to start from.   To apply to the Home Support Worker Immigration pilot or the Home Child Care Provider immigration pilot, the step by step break down: 1. Take the caregiving course s: My personal recommendations: a.  Health and Social Care Course  by John Academy b. Foundations for assisting in home care by the State University of New York c. Enhanced Mental Health Course  by John Academy 2. Get your qualification (1 year or more post secondary education) assessed by any of the following Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) organisations; a.  CES b.  ICAS c.  WES d.  IQAS e.  ICES 3. Start looking for jobs. Search for jobs on Jobbank Canadian nanny Indeed Wowjobs Eldercare Have your employer make the employment offer to you with the IMM 5983 form 4. Write the IELTs 5. Get first aid/cpr certified 6.  Get your police check done 7.   Download your application forms, fill them out, gather your supporting documents

How i got a Caregiver job in Canada (from Nigeria)

Although many people will tell you that you can't get a job in Canada without the help of family and friends, it is very possible to get a job in Canada without any contacts there. I should know because i got a caregiver job without refferal to my employer by family or friends. How you can get a Caregiver job in Canada? A. Take a course . Usually in Canada caregivers undergo college training as personal support workers (PSW), Continuing Care Aides(CCA) etc these training take anywhere between 6months to 9months to complete and can cost at least $3,000CAD. However because of the urgency or high demand for caregivers, some caregiving companies can hire workers without the PSW or CCA certification and give them in house training. This is the equivalent of CPD courses. A  prospective employer will like to see that you have already taken some of these courses, this shows that you have some level of competence and interest in the caregiving industry and that you know and f

How to move to Canada as a Caregiver

Caregivers can now immigrate to Canada from any where in the world through the new Home Child Care Provider Immigration Pilot and The Home Support Worker Immigration Pilot. The process requires no LMIA, Low ielts score, no settlement funds!!, and you come immediately with your family. How Does it Work ? Caregivers are given open work permits to come to Canada with their spouse and children. After 2 years of working in the caregiving industry the caregiver is converted from a work permit to a permanent residence. After 2 years of holding permanent residence, the caregiver is eligible for Canadian citizenship. So, how do you get into this pilot?   Scenario 1: No Qualifying Work Exoerience:  You don't have caregiver work experience in Canada. If you are found eligible, you get an open work permit that enables you work for any employer in Canada in the Caregiving industry for 2 years. When you have achieved 2 years of work experience, you notify the government, to upgrade