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How to Write and Pass your IELTs

A language Test of either English or French of CLB 5 is required to be eligible for the Home Child Care provider immigration pilot or the Home Support Worker Immigration Pilot.
The IELTs is the most popular English test used for academic or immigration purposes. IELTs result for Immigration purpose is valid for only 2years.
The table below is an IELTs to CLB conversion. It shows what your IELTs score is equivalent to in Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB).
 Theres no pass or fail in IELTs, rather people set out to achieve a score depending on what they want to use their test result for.
IELTs academic is taken by people who are intending to apply to schools for undergraduate or postgraduate study.

IELTs General is taken by people who are looking to immigrate.

Where do you take the IELTs?
The test is available in all british councils in many countries of the world. The cost may vary a little accross different countries.

Some Popular IELTs Myths
1. You need to write test at least twice to get a good score. This is a lie. I made a band 8 on my first attempt. I have also seen other test takers make above band 7 on their first attempt too.

2. The test is difficult to pass. This is also a lie. British council has a lot of resources that anyone can use to prepare for the test. There are also lots of websites owned by ielts examiners that teach test takers how to approach the test.

3. You need to use an American or British accent in your speaking test to show you can speak good english. This is false. The examiner knows when a test taker is faking an accent and will minus points from you if you do that. You just need to be yourself, speak naturally, pronounce words properly or correctly, speak with correct grammar, to earn your points.

4. You need past questions to prepare for the test. This is also false. What you need is tips on how to approach the test. Test questions are hardly ever repeated because they are gotten from every day occurences in the english speaking world.

What to expect in a General IELTs test?
Test questions are collected from everyday events, from the English speaking world. Questions could come from interactions in an apartment building, school environment, church, bakery, furniture shop, etc.
There are 4 parts in the test:
Listening test
Speaking test
Reading test
Writing test.

There are 2 test formats: 
1. Paper based tests: questions come in question papers and answers must be written in answer booklets, except for the speaking test.
The results for paper based test take approx. 14days to be released to the test taker.

 2. Computer based test: the test is taken on a computer. Except for the speaking test. The result take approx. 7 days to get ready.

How to prepare for IELTs?
There are many resources available online to help test takers make their desired/good score.
If you register for the test with the british council, you also get some free resources to aid your preparation.

IELTs Tips
1. Whether in the speaking test or the writing test, use a lot of examples.
2. Be time conscious
3. Try to build your vocabulary range before the test.
4. Do not fake an accent for your speaking test.
5. Avoid repetition whether in the speaking or writing test.

Some free app from british council:
IELT practice app
Complete ielts prep

This list will be updated soon.

Best VPN Service (English Banners)

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